The other day I was reading some Facebook posts and someone mentioned an app called "Level It" which gives the reading level for many, many titles. I'm not one to jump on the app bandwagon easily. I checked out this app, and found that it has many uses. It will give the level for many books, including the GLE, Lexile level, and DRA level. They can be found manually by typing in the ISBN number, author or title, or I can simply scan the ISBN code. Eureka! I can also build my library on the app and search popular titles by grade level. Wow!!! That makes me happy! It does cost a small fee, but I am willing to pay it for something like this. I'm thinking if I take a few tubs a week, it should be accomplished easily. This app can help me find new, appropriate titles for my below-, on- and above-level readers. Suh-weet!!!! Have an amazing week! (Here's a screenshot of one of the screens from the app. Happy leveling!)

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