How many of us, as mom's or teachers of very young children, both love and dread that beautiful story of "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch? It's a beautiful story of the circle of life and the love of a mother for her child. I cherish the love I have for my step-daughter and my son. I am, also, dealing with the second Mother's Day without my mother. She passed away last April 5 after a brief battle with lung cancer. I lost my dad 27 years ago (when he was 48--the same age I am) from the exact same disease in the exact same timeframe. Both were diagnosed around Christmas and Dad died March 26, Mom in April. Sadly ironic. . . I admit, I'm trying my very best to avoid recognition of this day. I would rather clean the pantry than celebrate. It will get better in the future, but not for right now. This makes me think about the kids that I have in my class and the ones from the past. So many of them have issues with their families. Sometimes school is the only safe place for them to fall. I can't imagine never being able to know that someone loves me so much that they would crawl in my window and hold me during the night. I hope and pray that I am sensitive enough to each of "my kids" that they will know that I will always be there for them. That's what we teachers do, isn't it? We love them forever . . . even if they are on our very last nerve? Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

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