
Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'll Love You Forever . . . .

How many of us, as mom's or teachers of very young children, both love and dread that beautiful story of "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch? It's a beautiful story of the circle of life and the love of a mother for her child. I cherish the love I have for my step-daughter and my son. I am, also, dealing with the second Mother's Day without my mother. She passed away last April 5 after a brief battle with lung cancer. I lost my dad 27 years ago (when he was 48--the same age I am) from the exact same disease in the exact same timeframe. Both were diagnosed around Christmas and Dad died March 26, Mom in April. Sadly ironic. . . I admit, I'm trying my very best to avoid recognition of this day. I would rather clean the pantry than celebrate. It will get better in the future, but not for right now. This makes me think about the kids that I have in my class and the ones from the past. So many of them have issues with their families. Sometimes school is the only safe place for them to fall. I can't imagine never being able to know that someone loves me so much that they would crawl in my window and hold me during the night. I hope and pray that I am sensitive enough to each of "my kids" that they will know that I will always be there for them. That's what we teachers do, isn't it? We love them forever . . . even if they are on our very last nerve? Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Clock is Ticking . . . The End is Coming and So is a Sale!

It's such a strange time of the year, isn't it? The clock is ticking to the end of the year and the beginning of summer. You are finishing up units, testing, testing, testing, and there is not a "normal" routine day in sight! What to do? I've come up with an easy, free activity for your literacy centers or for your "done firsties" to do while the rest are finishing up. Feel free to download it from my TpT store!

Summer Dreaming Make a List Tic-Tac-Toe click here.

Also, I'm throwing a sale! Yes! I'm participating in the TpT 

Have an amazing week and I hope you feel appreciated for what you bring to your kiddos every single day!