Seriously, Phil? What were you thinking? I don't know about all of you, but I'm wintered out! We have had SOOOOO many snow days and delays! (GASP! I NEVER thought those words would come out of my mouth!) I thought this week was looking more hopeful, but I see snow in the forecast for tomorrow and Thursday, and more sub-zero temperatures. Sigh . . . On a brighter note . . . Valentine's Day is coming! I love that day! My team decided many years ago to forego the "parent" party that day and just do it ourselves. The kids would get cranky when we made them put their cards down to play a game and do a craft. They just want to look at their valentines and eat sugar, sugar and more sugar! Whoa!
I have a few items in my TpT store that teachers seem to enjoy.
Valentine Phonics Games for Literacy Centers seem to be very popular.
I also have Valen"times" math games and Valentines Critter Word Slides to help break the winter doldrums! I hope you have a safe, warm, wonderful week!
And Phil . . . . go back to sleep!