How does your school handle RTI requirements? We have just begun instituting an RTI system this year, as required by the Third Grade Guarantee in Ohio. In first grade, the children that are identified for RTI go to teachers who have a Master's in reading or a reading endorsement. The kids from their classes are divided amongst the other three teachers to work on topics such as handwriting or grammar. Since we have no "official" RTI materials, I have been using a combination of Fountas & Pinnell's Phonics book, and some items I have created. The biggest struggle for me is that there is no certain "pathway" for the RTI. It is driven by the data collected to meet the needs of each child, but that does not always let me know what or how I should be teaching. Finding ways to grab and keep their attention, make it fun, but very meaningful is such a HUGE task! Then there is challenging the rest of the class . . . the on level and above level kids. . .
Last week, the kids worked with some of my
Short Vowel Word Slides
The kids really enjoyed using these word slides, and I have created them for all of the short vowels. The kids pull the slide through to create new words with each word family chunk. They write the word in the shape boxes and again on the line. I use the empty space to help them transfer the word chunks to create new words such as "then" and "Ben" on this particular example. I also have some for my other reading group levels, including a free download of a Thanksgiving themed word slide
Thanksgiving Turkey Digraph Word Slide. My on-level and above-level kids are ready for the digraphs, and even the
Winter Penguin Consonant Blend Word Slides that I will be putting in my centers soon.
I can't wait until our Thanksgiving Feast next Tuesday! I will be sure to post some fun pictures! Have a great week!